Case Study "Novel flexibility options in the German electricity grid"
Section outline
Germany has stated to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. The electricity sector thereby places a major role. Renewable technologies like solar and wind power produce electricity at low costs, but only provide electricity intermittently. This poses challenges to the grid operation which result in a need for flexibility options. In this case study, the influence of two novel flexibility technologies on the German electricity system in 2045 are examined using the method energy system optimization.
In this section, you will find how to install the necessary software.
In this section, you can learn the basics of energy system optimization. You will need the content from this section to work on the case study. You should go chronologically through the material in this section.
In this section you find the actual case study. We recommend to first work through the tutorials in the previous section to be prepared for the tasks here.The case study consists of two parts: the part "Preparing the input data" shall help you prepare your input data for backbone. All questions in this part are only to test your understanding and are not graded. You can reopen this part as often as you want to. The second part "Analysis of results" contains questions to your backbone results. This test is graded and determines the amount of bonus points you get for this case study. Only start the test, if you have run all three scenarios (basecase, hydrogen and elastic demand) and worked through the page "Preparation for analysis of result test" in the "Preparing the input data book" as there is a time limit of 60 minutes for the test.
This test will determine your grading for this assignment. Only one test per group. Only start the test, if you have run all three scenarios (basecase, hydrogen and elastic demand) and saved all the results. You will need Excel/LibreOffice to work with the results and plot data. There is a time limit of 60 minutes to complete the test.
This section contains the evaluation for the case study. The evaluation is not graded, but you will only recieve bonus points, if you did the test "Analysis of results" and participated in the evaluation.