Enrolment options

Python is a programming language that is wide-spread among scientists due to its readability and powerful standard libraries. This practical course teaches Python to students with prior experience in other programming languages. In addition to introducing the language itself, we will focus on scientific computing including vectors and matrices as well as data processing and mild machine learning. During the second week, participants will implement a project in Python.


Lab course
Takes place every day from 09:00 to 17:00 in room Online.
First appointment is on 31.08.2020
Last appointment is on 11.09.2020
Preliminary meeting
Takes place on 24.08.2020 from 13:30 to 14:15 in room Online.


The official language of the course is English.


  • Python basics: syntax, interpreter, control structures, data types, OOP
  • Scientific computing: NumPy, Matplotlib, scikit-learn
  • Project: realization of a project in Python


Grading is based on the project in the second week. If crucial components of Python are not
covered in your project, we might also test your knowledge on the subject.

Semester: WT 2024/25
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