Oral exams and term papers

Oral exams and term papers

by Dimitrios Georgios Oikonomou -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

first of all, I wish you all a happy and fruitful new year! I'm writing to inform you that the oral exams for this seminar will take place online on the 15th of February. All of you who wish to partake in the oral exams, please let me know via e-mail (Dimitrios.Oikonomou@rub.de) until the end of this month so I can schedule the time slots. Regarding the questions that will be asked in the oral exam, they will concern all the texts and topics discussed in the seminar EXCEPT the ones you undertook a presentation on. Those of you who wish to write a term paper instead should contact Prof. Caranti at lcaranti@unict.it (preferably cc me as well) with ideas about a possible topic. If you have more questions, feel free to send me an e-mail!Thanks a lot, take care and see you soon in class!
