Workshop Information, Oral Exams and Evaluations

Workshop Information, Oral Exams and Evaluations

by Antonio Dimchov Pavlov -
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Dear all,

as the "International Workshop on Human Needs and Intergenerational Justice" on the 12th of February is slowly approaching, we want to announce the most important details. In addition, we also want to introduce the possibility for an oral exam in order to acquire the graded CP for Prof. Pinzani´s seminars.

I.                   Schedule and Speakers

The workshop will be held online, in Zoom. The final schedule is the following:


9:30-10:45 Daniel Petz, University of Graz


11:00-12-15 Thomas Pölzler, University of Graz


Lunch break


14:00-15:15 Alberto Pirni, Sant´Anna School of Advanced Studies-Pisa


15:30-16:45 Alessandro Pinzani, Ruhr-University Bochum


The somewhat early start is due to the different time zones, so we can accommodate all students and speakers equally. Furthermore, as you can see, between each talk there is a 15-minute break and a lunch break between 12:15 and 14. We will also make sure to record the workshop, as at least some of you unfortunately will have exams overlapping with some of the talks, so ultimately everyone who wishes to participate is not entirely prohibited from doing so.

II. Technicalities and CP

There will not be any additional registration for the workshop separate from the registration for the “On Human Needs” seminar. Those of you who are already in the “On Human Needs” seminar are technically already registered for the workshop as well. For those of you are not and nevertheless wish to participate (everybody is very much welcome), just write me a mail and I will take care of it.

Now, regarding the possibilities to acquire Credit Points either in connection with the “On Human Needs” seminar or separately for the workshop itself, the options are the following:

1)      Participation in the “On Human Needs” seminar and Participation in the Workshop:

-          6 CP ungraded for active participation in the seminar and workshop and submitting the 8 summaries

-          8 CP graded for active participation in the seminar and workshop and either an essay or an oral exam of approximately 30 mins (see further below  the more general oral exam requirements and additionally the more specific content-wise options in connection with the Worskhop)

2)      Participation in the Workshop only (for students from other seminars):

-          2 CP ungraded for attendance and active participation

-          4 CP ungraded for attendance and active participation and a shorter essay or an oral exam of max. 30 min

III.  Moodle-Course for the Workshop

We have additionally set up a separate Moodle course for the workshop. There we will upload all the necessary information for the Zoom-Meeting, further information on the CP related to the workshop, as well drafts of the talks, when available, and possibly some additional literature.

You can find the Moodle-course under the name “International Workshop on Human Needs and Intergenerational Justice” , the password is: needs_justice . Here is a link directly to the Moodle-page for the workshop:

IV. Evasys-Evaluations and Oral Exams Regulations

You all should have received an invitation for an EVASYS-evaluation for the course (if you haven´t, please, contact me). Please, fill out the evaluation form as soon as possible (there is a German and English version and you can fill out whichever one you wish). If there are any problems with the availability or the language of the form, let me know.

Secondly, although not explicitly mentioned in the syllabus´ part on formal requirements, there will also be a possibility for an oral examination in order to get the graded CP for Prof. Pinzani´s courses. The exam will be of approximately 30 min length and will be based on 4 or 5 (see further below) texts of your choosing. You will have to submit a short (half-page) abstract for each of the texts (in total 2 to 2 ½  pages) 5 days before the exam. The weeks for the oral exams will be the following:

1)      from the 14th to the 19th of February (here the exam will cover 4 texts of your choosing due to the earlier date)

2)      from the 7th to the 11th of March (here the exam covers 5 texts of your choosing)

If you decide to take an oral exam, let me know about your preferred date and time, and I will send you a confirmation or an alternative proposal in coordination with Prof. Pinzani´s schedule.

If you otherwise have any additional questions concerning any of the above points, you can, of course, let me know.

Best regards and have a nice rest of the weekend,
