
The International Seminar in Advanced Research Methods further develops students’ understanding of research methods. The module will introduce advanced forms of quantitative, qualitative, geospatial, design and mixed methods approaches through presentations of research processes by researchers. This course will equip students with a detailed understanding of advanced research designs to support their ability to evaluate the utility of different research designs and methods and to support their own independent research projects. It features presentations from UNIC researchers as well as invited external speakers (30 minutes presentation, 45 minutes discussion) and will take place in a hybrid/online format. Supporting course content addressing a new topic will be posted online in advance of the presentation. Each class will include a seminar-style discussion of the presentation, facilitated by teams of four to five students in the class who have prepared questions and recap the key discussion points. It is expected that all participants will contribute to the discussion by posing questions, raising issues and comments, listen closely to others, and respectfully engage with their views.

Semester: WiSe 2024/25
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