

14.00 h Monday 8th April GD 03/218
14.00 h Monday 15th April GD 03/218

1.Undertake detailed work in an area of importance for energy and climate objectives
2.Focus on key drivers and how they explain developments
3.Reports of ca. 25 pages and the presentations 30 min. can be written/given in English or German
4.Need to register with the Prüfungsamt 22.05-16.06.2024 and choose topic by 22.05.2024 and inform me
5.Group work is possible, but sections must be clearly allocated to individual students
6.Grades of at least 2,7 in quantitative subjects (e.g. micro-economics, statistics) are required as entry criteria
7.A literature list and data sources are available and will be distributed to students
8.I will offer each individual/pair up to three one-hour sessions by Skype or in my office
9.Presentations in person in July/August
Publication of results in CURE discussion papers or elsewhere can be considered

1.Electricity as the key to decarbonisation - role and price in different end-user sectors in four selected countries
2.Heat-pumps –  roll-out rates 2018-2024 and forecast to 2030 as explained by costs, incentives and other factors in Germany (or other country)
3.Electric cars – roll-out rates 2018-2024 and forecast to 2030 as explained by costs, incentives, and other factors in Germany (or other country)
4.Renewables auction price results and build-out rates 2018-2024 and forecast to 2030 in Germany (or other country)
5.Carbon pricing - role and impact in Germany (or other country)
6.Analysis of emission reduction efforts and explanations for the differences in selected four EU countries (or EU and three other continents)

Semester: ST 2024
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