Enrolment options

The Far-Right and Its Counter-Mobilizations from National, Transnational, and Global Perspectives

Sabrina Zajak / Annett Gräfe-Geusch

Block Seminar:

Introduction 12.04.24 14:00-16:00

Block 1: 25.04 13:00-18:00 /26.04.05 10:00-17:00

Block 2 14.06 10:00-18:00

There will be two additional online events where participants have the opportunity to join international debates on that topic


In recent years, the rise of far-right movements and ideologies has become a prominent global concern, challenging the principles of democracy, social cohesion, and human rights. This seminar looks into the multifaceted phenomenon of the far-right, exploring its ideologies, manifestations, and the diverse strategies adopted by individuals and organizations to counteract its influence.

Throughout this course, students will examine the far-right's origins, ideologies, and socio-political contexts, considering both national and international dimensions. We will explore the global resurgence of far-right ideologies, and impact on politics, society, and culture, including development of racism and discrimination and the radicalization of the mainstream. We will also discuss transnational connections and collaborations among far-right groups, including their digital links and strategies.

Moreover, this seminar will analyze various counter-mobilization efforts aimed at resisting and fighting back the influence of far-right movements. Students will gain insight into the strategies employed by civil society organizations, and social movements to counteract far-right extremism. Case studies from different parts of the world will provide valuable insights into the interactions of the far-right and its counter-mobilizations.

NOTE: we will conduct protest reseach of anti-far right mobilization in the seminar

participating in the digital intro meeting id compulsory:

Zoom Meeting 4 lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.Thema: Zoom meeting invitation - Introduction Anti-Far right mobilization seminar
Zeit: 12.Apr. 2024 14:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, WienBeitreten Zoom Meeting
https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/69066217115?pwd=bGFHRStleFVXalRJTlBKUnd2QlRPQT09Meeting-ID: 690 6621 7115
Kenncode: 302547


Einwahl nach aktuellem Standort

• +49 69 389 805 96 Deutschland


Semester: ST 2024
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)