Enrolment options

Lectures:  Friday 10:15-11:45 room NB 7/173

Exercises: Wednesday 14:15-15:00 room NB 7/173   and Thursdays 9:00-10:45 room NB 6/73

Literature: "Understanding Molecular Simulation, Second Edition: From Algorithms to Applications" by Daan Frenkel & Berend Smit 


Starting: 09.04.2024 at 2:15 pm in NB 5/99

Brief course description:

Classical molecular dynamics (MD): integration algorithms, accuracy, thermostats and barostats, Ewald summation.

Monte Carlo and kinetic Monte Carlo: importance sampling, canonical ensemble, master equation.

Grand-canonical simulations and free energy methods.

Quantum mechanical approaches and density functional theory.

Hands-on examples: MD simulations of the Lennard-Jones fluid,  MD simulations of biomolecules, Ising model. 

Semester: ST 2024
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)
Self enrolment (Teilnehmer/in)