• Handbuch

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      Cherniak, A. (Über.) „Mahābhārata Book Six Bhīșma Volume One. Including the 'Bhagavad Gītā‘ in Context“. New York University Press, New York, 2008.
      Doniger O´Flaherty, W. (ed. & tr.) „Textual Sources for the Study of Hinduism“. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988.
      Doniger O´Flaherty, W. (ed. & tr.) „Hindu myths. A sourcebook translated from the Sanskrit“. Pinguin Books, London, 1976(1975).
      Hess, L., Singh, S. (tr.) „The Bījak of Kabir“. North Point Press, San Francisco, 1983.
      Richards, G. (Hg.) „A Source-Book of Modern Hinduism“. Curzon Press, London, Dublin, 1985.
      Olivelle P. (tr.). „The Law Code of Manu“. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.


      Olivelle, P. „Ascetics and Brahmins. Studies in Ideologies and Institutions“. Anthem Press, London, New York, Delhi, 2011.