

This course is designed for MA students on the “scientific track” who wish to pursue the historical study of pre-modern religions in the Islamicate world.  The thematic focus will be gender, however the basic research and methodological skills covered will be applicable to most historically oriented research on any topic for the pre-modern Islamicate world (which would include non-Muslims living under Muslim rule). The course is designed to assist the students in the process of researching and writing a piece of original research and introduce students to some of the skills and tools needed for such research.  This will include issues as basic as the main databases, to codicology and working with manuscripts.  Students should have at least one relevant research language (Arabic, Syriac, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish etc, or/and a clear specialization/training in art history, material culture, or archaeology).  A reading list of books related to gender in the Islamicate world will be posted by August.

By the time the semester begins, students wishing to take the class need to have read at least 3 of the books on the list and present a brief, preliminary concept of the topic on which they would like to do a research paper,  an indication of their career goals –  in what area are they considering doing their doctorate or other relevant career tracks – and a list of what skills and previous background they bring to the class (languages, relevant previous coursework, etc.) – no more than 3 pages. Students should turn this in by the first day of class, or no later than the 2nd week of class.  Students who do not do this, or are not found to have the necessary skills or background will not be allowed to take the course.  If you are uncertain, please contact the professor beforehand.



Semester: WiSe 2023/24
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)