
This course will teach the basic knowledge needed to develop and implement software solutions for engineering problems. This includes the ability to analyse an engineering problem, so that corresponding object oriented models can be created and suitable algorithms can be selected. The programming language used in this course is Java. However, since basic concepts of programming will be fully explained in this course, students should also be able to program in other modern programming languages.

Course info

2 hrs. lectures, 2 hrs. exercises per week in the winter semester. The course language is English. The first lecture will be Oct. 11, 2023


  • Prof. Markus König
  • M.Sc. Xuling Ye
  • M.Sc. Hakan Bayer

Credit requirements

Written exam (120 min. ) for CompEng students & Programming Project for Bauingenieurwesen students

Semester: WiSe 2023/24
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)