
In composer Edgàrd Varese's words "music is organized sound". But what else can be organized from sound than music? Pleasant and annoying noises certainly, and perhaps time itself? And what æsthetic, phenomenological and political role do technical media such as software code and algorithms, Spotify, MIDI, and the MP3 play in this work of organization?

In this praxis seminar we will use recorders, synthesizers and specialized programming languages for sound (Pure Data, SuperCollider, Tidal Cycles) together with transmedial techniques like sound visualization, data sonification and frequency shifting to examine, explore and reproduce familiar sonic phenomena ranging from noise pollution to ASMR, from Zoom glitches to smartphone notifications sounds, from "the halfalogue" to vaporwave. The seminar is in English. No prior technical knowledge of music or software is required for this course, only open ears, laptop and headphones.

Semester: WiSe 2024/25
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)