
The course is concerned with inelastic material models including their algorithmic formulation and implementation in the framework of nonlinear finite element analyses. Special attention will be paid to efficient algorithms for physically nonlinear structural analyses considering elastoplastic models for metals, soils and concrete as well as damaged based models for brittle materials. As a final assignment, the formulation and implementation of inelastic material models into an existing finite element program and its application to nonlinear structural analyses will be performed in autonomous teamwork by the participants.

Die Lehrveranstaltung vermittelt die Fähigkeit zur Durchführung nichtlinearer Finite-Elemente- Analysen unter wirklichkeitsnaher Berücksichtigung von nichtlinearem Materialverhalten. Wesentliche Aspekte sind dabei die Grundlagen der Plastizitätstheorie, ausgewählte Fliesskriterien sowie Verfestigungsgesetze für metallische Werkstoffe, geotechnische Materialien (Tone, Sande), Finite Elemente Formulierung. 

The Block Seminar is a one-week course take place from 20th to 24th of July 2020.

Time: 9:00 am - 13:00 pm 

Semester: WiSe 2024/25
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