
In order to subscribe to this course, please send me an email (elisabeth.boer@rub.de), and I will add you to the course. Classes will be on Mondays from 16:00 to 18:00 via Zoom.

This course will discuss a variety of topics in Japanese linguistics, and in doing this will attempt to present a broader view, comparing what is found in Japanese, with what is seen in other languages of the world. The decision on what topics to include will also depend on the interests of the students, but themes that will definitely be included are: The way in which Japanese is split into numerous dialects, and how these differ from each other, descriptions of individual Japanese dialects (including dialect recordings), the tone or pitch accent system of the standard language, and how the pitches of spoken Japanese are influenced by phrase structure. 

Classes consist of a combination of lectures, presentations of assignments, and discussions. Students are required to read all the materials assigned for the day before coming to class, actively participate in discussions and presentations.

Evaluation will be based on participation (including housework assignments), a presentation, and an essay.

NB: Instruction in this course will be primarily in English. Discussion and presentations by students can be in German or English.

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)