This section provides a list of links to sources of materials that are in the public domain or published under free licenses.

Please note, that there are also some sources of license-free or 'royalty-free' (German: 'lizenzgebührenfrei') material that shouldn't be confused with the aforementioned. This material is usually free to use in many ways with restrictions similar to the ones of CC licenses. However, it may be advisable to take a look at the individual terms of use of the respective website.


- Google Advanced Image Search (where filtering for different licenses can be applied)

  Screenshot: Google Advanced Image Search, not under free license / cropped to region of interest

- CC Search ( search engine)

- Flickr Creative Commons

- Pixabay

- Pexels

- Wikimedia Commons: Free media resources/Photgraphy (extensive list of resources)

- Public Domain Files

- Public Domain Pictures

- Unsplash - Photos for Everyone (source of freely usable images)

- SMART - Servier Medical ART (contains 3000 free medical illustrations)

- 7 Resources for Free Science Pictures on StressMarq (list of free image resources)

- 31 free public domain image websites on 99designs (list of free image resources)

- "Nicht nur kostenlos, sondern frei: Elf Anlaufstellen für Bilder im Netz" (German; list of free image resources)

- WikiArt - Visual Art Encyclopedia




Course materials (full courses, audio/video lectures, syllabi)


Miscellaneous (general search engines, specific materials/formats)

- MERLOT (general OER search engine)

- OASIS (general OER search engine)

- OERhörnchen 2.0 Hochschule (German; higher education OER search engine)

- OER directories and services (German)

- General Open Access and Public Domain Resources (Ryerson University Library)

- Resources on OERCommons

- Where to find OER? (University College London)

- OER by Discipline Directory (Edited by Josie Gray)

- Psychology OER (University of South Florida Libraries)

- Anatomy Learning Resources: Which are open? on AnatomyTOOL

- YouTube Video Search (where filtering for CC licenses can be applied)

  Screenshot: YouTube Video Search, not under free license / cropped to region of interest


... to name but a few ...

最終更新日時: 2020年 01月 17日(金曜日) 10:17