• Teaching materials (selection)

- A general introductory presentation from the Center for Open Science.

- A workshop at LMU by Schönbrodt, Scheel, & Stachl.

  • Opportunities and recommendations for integrating preregistration in teaching

Teaching about and early exposure to preregistration are essential elements in the BA statistics/methods curriculum. Preregistsration as a method is currently covered in, e.g.,  "Einführung Forschungsmethoden (VL)", "Statistik II (VL)", "Sozialpsychologie I (VL)", "Empiriepraktikum (S)"

  • Opportunities and recommendations for integrating preregistration in student research projects as well as BA and MA theses

- Making internal or public preregistration is already the default for experimental psychology training (e.g., "Empiriepraktikum"). That is, submitted pre-registrations are an essential part of the course achievements. Additional opportunities for lateral teaching exist by asking students to peer review each others' prereg drafts in the process.

- Making internal or public preregistration the default for BA/MA theses constitutes an additional opportunity. Next to the advantages for students (e.g., clear, efficient roadmap for the analysis and write-up phase of the project), a preregistration serves as the perfect memo for the student and mentor during the project and provides structure during the process (e.g., preregistration as the milestone that marks transitioning from planning/design stage to data collection stage; preregistration as a template for discussing results). It is highly recommended that mentors and students actively discuss the opportunity for including a preregistration as part of the BA/MA thesis.

Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2019, 13:09