Sport und Kognition

Angevaren, M., Aufdemkampe, G., Verhaar, H.J.J., Aleman, A. & Vanhees L. (2008). Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment. Cochrane Databse of Systematic Reviews 3, 1-61.

Benzing, V., Heinks, T., Eggenberger, N. & Schmidt, M. (2016). Acute cognitively engaging exergame-based physical activity enhances executive functions in adolescents. PLOS ONE 11(12), 1-15. pone.0167501

Burrmann, U., Opitz, C. & Zander, B. (2012). Neue Wege der Kooperation zwischen Schule und Sportverein - Evaluation des Hamburger Vereinsmodells. sportunterricht 61(12), 321-352.

Hillman, C., Pontifex, M.B., Castelli, D. & Kamijo, K. (2014). Effects of the FITKids randomized controlled trial on executive control and brain function. Pediatrics 134(4), 1063-1071.

Lubans D., Richards J., Hillman C., et al. (2016). Physical Activity for Cognitive and Mental Health in Youth: A Systematic Review of Mechanisms. Pediatrics 138(3), 1-13.

Mücke, M., Andrä, C., Gerber, M., Pühse, U. & Ludyga, S. (2017). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, execute functions and prefrontal brain oxygenation in children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study, Journal of Sports Sciences, 630-636.

Sattler, C., Erickson, K.I., Toro, P. & Schröder, J. (2011). Physical fitness as a protective factor for cognitive impairment in a prospective population-based study in Germany. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 26, 709-718.

Sofi, F., Valecchi, D., Bacci, D., Abbate, R. Gensini, G.F., Casini, A. & Macchi C. (2010). Physical activity and risk of cognitive decline: a meta-analysis of prospective studies, Journal of Internal Medicine 269(1), 107-117.


Lee, O., Park, M., Jang, K., & Park, Y. (2017). Life lessons after classes: investigating the influence of an afterschool sport program on adolescents' life skills development. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 12(1), 1-10.

Emotionen im Sport

Klinge, A. (2009). Die Scham ist nie vorbei! Beschämung im Schulsport - eine sportpädagogische Herausforderung. Sportunterricht 58(10), 296-301.

Pekrun, R. (2006). The control-value theory of achievement emotions: Assumptions, corollaries, and implications for educational research and practice. Educational Psychology Review 18, 315-341.

Wiesche, D. (2013). "Ich muss immer etwas vormachen, damit die anderen sehen, wie es nicht geht!" Beschämende Situationen im Schulsport. Sportunterricht, 62(7), 194-199.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 2:54 PM