Session 14: Final wrap up and evaluation

Session 14: Final wrap up and evaluation

par Blal Adem Esmail,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your participation in the last session, especially given the technical problems with my PC.

I genuinely appreciate the time you have spent on this course. I understand that several sessions ran longer than the scheduled 90 minutes. I apologize for any inconvenience this caused. Some of you mentioned in the evaluations that this seemed unstructured, and I want to assure you this was not my intention. The extended sessions, particularly the Geodesign and yesterday’s sessions, were due to technical issues beyond my control, such as the expiry of the ArcGIS license and the deletion of images from my presentation.

Beyond technical difficulties, there may be cultural differences in how we perceive time and communication. I believe that a conversation can extend beyond its scheduled time if there is mutual interest. I should have communicated this expectation from the beginning, allowing everyone to decide whether to stay or leave at 16:00. Furthermore, the discrepancy between the module description and the course content and examination type, which appeared to be a significant issue, could and should have been addressed in Session 1, when one had the option to withdraw from the course. However, I am pleased that you all remained committed to the course.

I also recognize the need to improve my communication. Effective communication is about ensuring the audience understands the message. If my message did not come through clearly despite the syllabus, weekly communications, and seminars, I take full responsibility. 
At the same time, communication, like beauty, is often subjective and is in the eyes/hearts of the beholder. It becomes more effective when the audience is open and non-judgmental. However, I understand it is my role to manage group dynamics better and foster a more inclusive environment.

I hope you have gained valuable lessons from this course beyond academic knowledge. While you might not see them immediately, I believe you will appreciate them in the future.

Thank you once again for your feedback. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need further clarification.

Kind regards,


PS. The slides are uploaded in Moodle Folders

En réponse à Blal Adem Esmail

Re: Session 14: Final wrap up and evaluation

par Blal Adem Esmail,

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well.

First, I would like to thank Jonas for updating the Biotope Assessment. I have uploaded the latest version to the Moodle folder/Session 12. Possibly, All groups should try to use the latest version.

Second, for the two groups that submitted, I have added my comments on how to improve the final report outline. Mainly, I suggest structuring it around three research questions:
  • RQ1) What are the principal issues currently facing the district?
  • RQ2) What would be an optimal/desirable future for the district?
  • RQ3) How might this future be achieved, and what are the potential impacts? 

Another comment is to start with a general overview of the subject matter, e.g. the multifaceted challenges confronting urban and metropolitan areas, and the pivotal role of NBS in addressing these challenges.
The commented outlines are also uploaded in the Moodle Folder/Session 14

Last, regarding the grading process, it should be noted that the evaluation will be based on the overall quality of the report. The adjustments based on individual contributions are to be considered minor.
For the 'fairness' of the division of tasks among members, it is assumed that this will be handled within the group. As long as there is consensus and no conflicts, it may be assumed that each member is satisfied with the distribution of tasks and the final output.

I hope this clarifies any doubts you may have; in case do not hesitate to write me.

Kind regards,


PS. Group Nature As Culture you can refer to the outlines of the other two groups for inspiration