Session 13 - Presentation

Re: Session 13 - Presentation

par Blal Adem Esmail,
Nombre de réponses : 0
Dear All,
Some clarifications about the consolidated file.
The consolidated file is an Excel file that shows how each student assessed the ES potential of the biotopes in Skarpknak. These individual values are then used to calculate a group average value. Ideally, this should allow for the identification of outliers, which in turn can help to identify possible reasons for these differences (e.g. incorrect understanding of the biotope). Ultimately, people can then decide to change their minds.

The final ES potential represents the consensus-based expert evaluations and is utilized for the hands-on EUP task in Skarpnack. This entire process is referred to as the Delphi approach, which can be further elucidated through the assigned literature (Mukherjee et al. 2015, 2018).

If maps of ES potential have been already created somehow, it is recommended that they be updated using the new consolidated values. This process should take no longer than 30 minutes. Should the desire arise to retain the previous values for any reason, this is also acceptable (but not desirable).

I hope this was clear,

Kind regards,
