3 - Session 2 - Issue with links

3 - Session 2 - Issue with links

- Blal Adem Esmail の投稿
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Dear All,

Some of you have contacted me about problems with the links to some of the suggested readings for next week.
Below are the updated ones.

Kind regards,


Compulsory readings:
  • von Haaren et al. (2008): Landscape planning – The basis for sustainable landscape development. Report from BfN. [especially pages 6-17]. https://www.bfn.de/en/publications/leaflet/landscape-planning-basis-sustainable-landscape-development

Additional (facultative, not required for the task above) on urban environmental planning:

  • von Haaren et al. (2019): Landscape planning with ecosystem services. (Springer). https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-024-1681-7 (Access via your RUB email).