Credit points, exams etc.

Credit points, exams etc.

by Dimitrios Georgios Oikonomou -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone! Thank you all for attending and contributing to the compact seminar this weekend. I went through the attendance sheets and all of you who took part have fulfilled the minimum attendance requirement. If you only want 4 credit points from the seminar, then your work here is done! If you want 6 credit points you need in addition either to write a term paper or participate in an oral exam. 

Regarding the term paper: it must be 10-15 pages long, on a topic among those which we discussed EXCEPT the topic of your own presentation. Alternatively, you can choose another topic relevant to the philosophy of human rights. You can already approach Prof. Caranti with ideas about possible topics. The deadline for the submission of the term paper is the end of the semester, meaning the 31st of March 2023. 

Regarding the oral exam: it is set to take place during the first two weeks of February - probably online - (exact date tba) and it will include questions over all the texts and ideas we discussed in the seminar, again EXCEPT the text of your presentation. 

I remain at your disposal for possible questions, take care and have a nice day!
