Distribution of presentations

Distribution of presentations

di Dimitrios Georgios Oikonomou -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear participants,

I'm writing to inform you about the structure of the seminar and organize the distribution of presentations. The compact seminar will take place on 9-11/12, from 9.30am to 6pm every day. On Day 1 of the seminar (9/12) we won't have any student presentations as it will be dedicated to introducing the topic. On Days 2 and 3 9 texts will have to be presented by groups of students, up to 3 students per text and presentation. The texts have already been uploaded in Moodle and you can see the structure of the seminar both in the Moodle page and in the updated syllabus I just uploaded. It would be nice if you contacted me as soon as possible (at Dimitrios.Oikonomou@rub.de) with your preferences about which text you would like to present. Then I can make the groups and bring you in contact with each other so you have the maximum time available to prepare for your presentation. Waiting to hear from you, have a nice day! (I'm resending it because some of you weren't enrolled in Moodle yet)
