Distribution of presentations

Distribution of presentations

de Dimitrios Georgios Oikonomou -
Número de respuestas: 0

Hello everyone!

So, I'm trying to finalize who the presentations were assigned to and I realized I don't know some of your last names and some of you are not in Moodle or registered in ecampus yet, so it would be nice if you sent me an e-mail to confirm what date of presentation you chose so I can catalogue you with more certainty. If someone of your teammates is not on Moodle but you can contact them, please do that, it would be great help. The dates are 15/11, 29/11, 13/12, 10/1 and 24/1. We need three presenters for each date. According to my notes we already have three presenters for the last three dates but only two for each of the first two, namely 15/11 and 29/11. So we need two more presenters, one for each of these dates. Please contact me with your preference as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance!
