Hello everyone :-)

Hello everyone :-)

by Ulrike Beißert -
Number of replies: 0

i had some questions on how you mentors recognize if someone needs your support.
1) We set up that forum in a way that all mentors receive a message when a team send a post via that forum. Thus, you are all informed and who has time can answer here in the forum or join the team in Zoom.
2) If you are available I suggest not to wait fpr the teams to contact you and just visit them in their zoom-breakout session or leave a message in their team space. We will try to name every team that will form in a way that you can identify which Themecluster/challenge they work on and which zoom breakout session they use.

If you are available and you are not sure what to do, you can join the zoom-meeting - there you should find someone from the organiszation team:

Zoom-Meeting Link: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/62029549490?pwd=Y2NVWCtwN1hucmdKaWhuSHFMM3lBUT09
