
This course is part of the R4 module and consists of a regular seminar and an applied methods seminar (Lehrforschung). In the regular seminar, we will learn about global Pentecostalism, the fastest-growing Christian tradition around the world, and transnational connections particularly between the Global South and the Global North. Charismatic practices such as laying on hands for healing and speaking in tongues (glossolalia) as a sign of divine blessing as well as worldviews including spiritual warfare, the belief that the world is locked in an epic battle between good and evil forces (God vs. Satan) play an important role in the transnational dissemination of global Pentecostalism. In the applied methods seminar (Lehrforschung), we will conduct first-hand qualitative research in sub-Saharan African Pentecostal churches in the Ruhr area to learn about how Pentecostal worldviews are interpreted against the backdrop of German society and culture, and with what effects on charismatic practices. We will also investigate whether reverse mission, or the aim to evangelize “secularized” German society, plays a role. Guided by the course instructors, each student will prepare and conduct their own research project, the results of which will be presented in a research report and final presentation.

No prior knowledge is necessary for the regular seminar (3 CP); successful completion of the introduction to qualitative methods course (S2) is mandatory for the applied methods seminar (10 CP). Students who are interested in taking both parts of the course are particularly welcome. The course will be taught in English (including readings and in-class presentations) but conducting research and writing up research reports is possible in German. Please note the irregular course schedule; about half of the Friday sessions will take place from from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but some Fridays will be off completely, and other Friday sessions will be extended to last from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (including breaks). A project presentation day will be held in October as a workshop to discuss our research results and experiences in “the field”. Regular attendance and active participation are generally required.

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)