Opzioni di iscrizione


The stu­dents know the core as­pects of the Lab­VIEW pro­gramming lan­gua­ge. Mo­re­over, they are fa­mi­li­ar with pro­gramming struc­tu­res, func­tions, crea­ting graphs, data ac­qui­si­ti­on, la­bo­ra­to­ry equip­ment com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, etc. The stu­dents are able to crea­te their own pro­grams re­qui­red for data collec­tion pro­ces­sing and eva­lua­ti­on. The know­ledge ob­tained by stu­dents also pro­vi­des a basis to get star­ted in the realm of Lab­VIEW pro­gramming in any lab.


The cour­se co­vers the fol­lowing to­pics:

  • Data flowing pro­gramming. Va­ria­bles, func­tions.
  • Pro­per­ty and in­vo­ke nodes, sound, dia­log and user in­ter­face, etc.
  • Pro­gramming struc­tu­res (for­mu­la, case struc­tu­res, etc.)
  • Crea­ting and using sub­VIs, DLLs, exe­cu­ta­bles
  • Gra­phing with Lab­VIEW
  • Data ac­qui­si­ti­on using Lab­VIEW
  • Data ana­ly­sis (e.g, sta­tis­tics, fit­ting)
  • De­bug­ging tech­ni­ques

Semester: ST 2024
Iscrizione spontanea (Teilnehmer/in)
Iscrizione spontanea (Teilnehmer/in)