• Here you will find support and empowerment in our diverse video series, addressing challenges faced by international students, promoting connections, empowering women, and offering skill-building opportunities for personal and academic growth.

    • Counseling for International Students 

      Adjusting to a new country can be tough. If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that psychological counseling services are here for you. We offer confidential support tailored to your unique experiences and challenges. Whether you're struggling with homesickness, academic stress, or any other issue, don't hesitate to reach out.

      To schedule a session, simply email  yevheniia.landiak@ruhr-uni-bochum.de  for any inquiries or assistance.

      Your well-being is important to us. Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, and we're here to help you navigate your student journey.

    • Overcoming Challenges as an International Student


      Ever considered joining a group? Here's the lowdown: it's not just about socializing or boosting your CV. It's about tapping into a network that can seriously enhance your university experience.

      1. Networking: Groups are hubs for meeting people outside your usual circles. Networking isn't just for career prospects—it's about building connections that can offer support, advice, and even friendship.

      2. Skill Building: Sure, lectures teach theory, but groups provide a hands-on playground for developing practical skills. Think leadership, teamwork, efficient communication —you name it. It's a chance to get your hands dirty and learn by doing.

      3. Diverse Perspectives: University is all about broadening your horizons. Group involvement exposes you to different viewpoints, cultures, and ideas. It's a crash course in diversity that'll challenge your thinking and expand your worldview.

      4. Balance and Support: University life can be a rollercoaster. Groups offer a sense of stability and belonging. When the going gets tough, you'll have a squad of peers who've got your back.

      So, ditch the sidelines and get in the game. Whether it's end of studies coaching, support group, coaching studio, procrastination group, exam group, find your tribe and dive in. The experiences and connections you'll gain are worth every moment.

    • International Coaching Studio



      Ready to level up your skills and crush your goals? Look no further! We're thrilled to invite you to join our Skill Building Group at International Coaching Studio.

      Whether you're aiming to boost your leadership prowess, refine your public speaking skills, or enhance your self management abilities, our group is designed to help you reach new heights.

      Here's what you can expect:

      🚀 Practical Workshops: Dive into hands-on sessions led by industry experts, where you'll gain actionable insights and strategies to excel in your chosen areas.

      🤝 Supportive Community: Connect with fellow learners who share your ambitions and passions. Together, we'll cheer each other on and celebrate our wins.

      💡 Personal Growth: Unlock your full potential as you explore new skills, challenge yourself, and push beyond your comfort zone.

      Ready to embark on this journey of growth and transformation? Studio happens every week, continues 2 hours.

      To reserve your spot or learn more,  write to yevheniia.landiak@ruhr-uni-bochum.de