Kantian practical philosophy offers promising tools for dealing with current practical problems, such as mass migration, discrimination or the exploitation of vulnerable people. At the same time, however, it contains problematic passages and concepts that need to be critically addressed, mainly in relation to his ideas about human ‘races’. In this seminar we will read and discuss important aspects of Kantian philosophy in these two variants: drawing on the richness of his ideas, but at the same time critically engaging with them. One of the most famous quotes from Kant´s practical philosophy is the so-called “formula of humanity”, which entails two basic obligations: to treat others as ends in themselves and to never treat them as mere means. Throughout the seminar will discuss what those imperatives demand. Discussions will have a strong focus on real life and hard political questions, especially migration. We will analyse if, and how, interpretations of the formula of humanity can help us to understand and critically think about migration. Also, we will discuss whether there is a sound basis in Kant´s philosophy for a duty of hospitality towards immigrants or not. In doing that, we will not only discuss how people are supposed to treat each other, but we will also explore what organizations like States are expected to treat individuals and groups. Furthermore, we will explore problematic practical attitudes towards humans that are very relevant in our days and often also appear when we discuss issues like migration: hostility, exploitation and racism. Will engage with primary (lectures on physical geography and anthropology) and secondary literature that reveal racism in Kant and suggest a reading of his practical philosophy in ways that seem to endorse precisely the abovementioned objectionable practical attitudes, or that at least do not clearly exclude them. The seminar will include not only weekly discussion sessions, but also a workshop towards the end of the semester (date and details will be announced). 

Semester: WiSe 2024/25