The academic study of religions sees itself as a multi-paradigmatic research field. It draws on theories and approaches from many disciplines, such as sociology, ethnology, and psychology. At the same time, older concepts are not refuted or outdated but are still discussed and remain influential. Therefore, this seminar will first deal with theories with a particular relevance to the development of the academic study of religions (of Georg Simmel, William James, Emile Durkheim, Rudolf Otto, Max Weber, Jane Ellen Harrison, and Bronislaw Malinowski), continue with some of the "neoclassical" approaches (of Mary Douglas, Clifford Geertz, Thomas Luckmann, and Pierre Bourdieu), and conclude with a discussion of newer concepts (of Steward Guthrie and Birgit Meyer).

The course is offered in hybrid format.

Semester: WT 2023/24