The current hype in migrant entrepreneurship in Europe can be partly explained by the long ’summer of migration’ in 2015 and the arrival of a high number of newcomers in a short period. In search of new ways of labour market integration of migrants, several programs have been rolled out all over Europe to facilitate migrants’ business activities. However, solely understanding migrant entrepreneurship as a necessity-driven way of self-employment would neglect the varieties of this phenomenon. Against this backdrop, the seminar will introduce migrant entrepreneurship as a broad economic occurrence. Drawing on theories of ethnic entrepreneurship (Zhou, 2004); (im)migrant entrepreneurship (David et al., 2019; Leicht et al., 2017; Metzger, 2016) mixed-embeddedness and multi-scalar places (David & Terstriep, 2021; Kloosterman et al., 1999; 2001), transnationalism (Harima & Baron, 2020; Drori et al., 2009; Pries, 2007; Guarnizo, 2003), diaspora entrepreneurship (Elo et al., 2020) etc., it defines and differentiates migrant entrepreneurs and self-employed groups, including start-ups (David et al., 2022) and established entrepreneurs, generations of migrants (David et al., 2020), and sectors of activities (Leicht et al., 2017). It clarifies old narratives of the migrant as the local grocery store owner and presents new narratives of migrant entrepreneurship, such as knowledge-intensive businesspeople (see BioNTech) (Schäfer, 2021). Further characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs will be explained and set into context. Finally, we will discuss the role of those groups in local ecosystems (David et al., 2021).  

To put what has been learned into practical application, participants will form small teams and conduct a field study in form of semi-structured interviews with students from other disciplines at Ruhr University Bochum. Accompanied by the lecturers, the teams will jointly elaborate interview guidelines with a focus on perceptions of migrant entrepreneurship.

 The main elements are: 

  • Theoretical and methodological input
  • Sessions - discussion, clarification and additional input on methods (via zoom)
  • Fieldwork

The dates for the sessions are: 

  • Session I: 20. October 2022 (12-16)
  • Session II: 10. November 2022 (12-16)
  • Session III: 15. December 2022 (12-14)
  • Session IV: 26. January 2022 (12-16)
Two rounds of fieldwork: 1st round after session II, 2nd round after session III

Semester: WT 2024/25