The stu­dents ob­tain a pro­found un­der­stan­ding of the func­tio­na­li­ty of mo­dern at­tack tech­ni­ques and de­fen­se me­cha­nis­ms. They know dif­fe­rent tech­ni­ques from both areas and can apply both of them. More spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the par­ti­ci­pants are pro­fi­ci­ent in cor­re­spon­ding re­ver­se en­gi­nee­ring tech­ni­ques and can ana­ly­ze com­plex soft­ware vul­nerabi­li­ties on their own. The stu­dents can de­sign and im­ple­ment ana­ly­sis tools on their own and learn how to per­form re­se­arch in the area of soft­ware se­cu­ri­ty.
Semester: WiSe 2024/25