This introductory course critically situates one of South Asia’s most prominent places of worship, viz. the Hindu temple. With an emphasis on the modern period, the course will offer carefully selected examples from different periods and regions outlining the Hindu temple not only as a place of worship but also as a powerful and significant modern institution. In addition to examining the Hindu temple’s ritual and structural key elements, the course emphasizes its cultural, socio-economic and political dimensions. Consequently, it aims to provoke critical thinking around religious architecture, and problematize the category of ‘religious architecture’ as well. 

The course equips students with essential knowledge and tools for studying the Hindu temple, including a concise overview of the Hindu temple from its earliest existence until now. Further, it provides them with a broader cultural history of South Asia and acquaints them with debates around architecture and different forms of identity. 

The course requires no prior knowledge on the subject. 

Semester: WiSe 2024/25