The course provides a basic introduction into programming concepts. The course begins with an introduction to compiled languages, where modern Fortran90 is used as a language which is (i) often used in scientific codes and (ii) provides a good entry point into programming concepts. After introducing basic syntax, programming concepts, like loops, conditional statements, functions and modules are introduce to provide the basis for designing and writing own programs and complex codes. 

In a second part of the course interactive mode languages are introduced, where Python is used as a widespread adopted interpreter language to introduce the principle and simple use. Based on the programming concepts from the Fortran part, the course extends to a wider use and application of prepared libraries and classes, which facilitate the application for data analysis and runtime control of codes, called from Python.

The course intends to provide a solid programming basis to students who will write their own codes or extend existing other codes for their scientific needs.


Semester: WT 2023/24