Students attain the ability to independently simulate fracture including plasticity for a wide range of materials and geometries. Based on the acquired understanding of the different types of brittle fracture and ductile failue of materials, they are enabled to choose appropriate fracture models and to implement them in a finite element environment. They gain suffiecient knowledge about the theoretical background of the diffent types of fracture models, to study the relevant literature independently. On an engineering level, the students are able to discriminate between situations, where cracks in a structure or component can be tolerated or under which conditions cracks are not admissible, respectively.


 • Phenomenology of fracture/Fracture on the atomic scale
 • Concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics
 • Concepts of elastic-plstic fracture mechanics
 • R curve behavior of materials
 • Concepts of cohesive zones (CZ), extended finite elements (XFEM) and damage mechanics
 • Finite element based fracture simulations for static and dynamic cracks
 • Application to brittle fracture & ductile failure for different geometries and loading situations

Semester: WiSe 2023/24