This lecture is offered originally in the focal point "Bioinformatics" of M. Sc. "Angewandte Informatik - AI".
In the winter term part I of the lecture is offered (Bioinformatics for Proteomics I, 5 CP, lecture 2 SWS + tutorial 1 SWS). It is recommended to hear this lecture before part II, however it is not mandatory. We offer a recap in the first 2 lecture slots.
Language of lectures, tutorials and exams is by default English.
Please self-subscribe without password for further announcements!
After the first week(s) a re-self-subscription with a password (announced in the lecture) will be necessary.
This lecture is offered originally in the specialization "Bioinformatics" of M. Sc. "Angewandte Informatik - AI".
It can be heard in other contexts. In this case please clarify in advance with your student's office, how it fits to your curriculum.
- Kursleiter/in: Sven Peter Berres
- Kursleiter/in: Martin Eisenacher
- Kursleiter/in: Robin Grugel
- Kursleiter/in: Dominik Lux
- Kursleiter/in: Svitlana Rozanova
- Kursleiter/in: Karin Ulrike Schork
- Kursleiter/in: Sara Sordon
- Kursleiter/in: Julian Uszkoreit
- Kursleiter/in: Maike Carina Weber
- Kursleiter/in: Julika Bea Wenzel
- Kursleiter/in: Dirk Winkelhardt