
To be registered for this course, please register in eCampus first. The lecturer will then register you for the Moodle course.

Requirements for Participation
Formal None
Content Knowledge of Physics I-III, Mathematics I-III, Theoretical Physics I (Bachelor) will be appreciated
Preparation None

6 CP

Plasma physics is the study of the behavior and the properties of ionized gases. Statistical physics, fluid dynamics, electrodynamics as well as atomic and molecular physics come together to form a discipline of its own. Plasmas determine both stellar evolution on astronomical scales and etching of nanostructures in the semiconductor industry. Plasma-based engines are already powering satellites in space, and very hot magnetized plasmas may provide clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion in the future. Tiny cold plasmas at atmospheric pressure offer a wide range of applications, from CO2 conversion to medicine and biology.

In the Introduction to Plasma Physics module, students gain an understanding of the fundamental phenomena and laws of plasma physics. Basic knowledge of the description of plasmas in the particle and liquid picture as well as an introduction to kinetic theory are taught. In addition to the basics of controlled fusion, some basic concepts of technical plasmas are also presented. Furthermore, collision interactions of charged particles with each other and with neutral particles are discussed.

Contents: Basic concepts and plasma definition, individual particles in electromagnetic fields, collision interactions, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, kinetic theory, boundary layers, waves in plasmas, basics of controlled fusion, special forms of discharge

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)