Opzioni di iscrizione

Course contents
•    Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems
      o Introduction and overview of energy systems analysis
      o Fundamental optimisation models for power systems analysis
             Optimal unit commitment (short-term planning)
             Optimal capacity expansion (long-term planning)
     o    Scenario planning approaches
               Introduction to scenario planning
               Combination of scenario planning and power systems analysis
      o Selected case studies
•    Decision Analysis and Assessment of Strategies
      o Types of decision environments and models
      o Structuring decision problems
           Generating objectives and hierarchies
           Generating and preselecting alternatives
       o Preference elicitation
       o Aggregation functions and sensitivity analysis
       o Selected case studies

During the exercises (see below for further information), students work on concrete case studies using an open source energy systems model to be installed on their (mobile) computers, and practise preparing input data, processing model results and drawing conclusions.

Semester: WT 2023/24
Iscrizione spontanea (Teilnehmer/in)
Iscrizione spontanea (Teilnehmer/in)