# homogeneous domain: g.region rows=50 cols=100 res3=50 t=500 b=0 n=1000 s=0 w=0 e=2000 -p3 r.mapcalc expression="phead = if(col() == 1, 30, 29)" --overwrite r.mapcalc expression="status = if(col() == 1 || col() == 100, 2, 1)" --overwrite r.mapcalc expression="hydcond = 0.0025" --overwrite r.mapcalc expression="top_unconf = 100.0" --overwrite r.mapcalc expression="null = 0.0" --overwrite r.mapcalc expression="poros = 0.15" --overwrite r.gwflow top=top_unconf bottom=null phead=phead status=status hc_x=hydcond hc_y=hydcond s=poros output=gwresult type=unconfined dt=864000000 vx=velX vy=velY error=0.000000000000001 maxit=100000000000 --overwrite # We can repeat the same simulation with the result from the last run # We can repeat this until nothing changes anymore -> then we reached steady state